About Me

I am a film critic based in Columbus, OH who represents a fresh, distinctive, uniquely in depth, definitively positive approach to film critique over the last nine years of publishing content through my site OneFilmFan.com. Primarily focused on the independent film community around the world, I offer constructive, honest, straightforward opinions on feature, documentary, and short films in a manner that reflects attention to not only the central themes a given film conveys, but also underlying ones that illustrate true attention to what I feel the filmmaker is trying to communicate to their audience.
Read My Mind….But Make Up Your Own
I have also delved into in-person and remote coverage of multiple (10 since 2017) South Asian and other film festivals over the last six years to date, offering that often appreciated, sought after voice that desires to promote the world’s films and filmmakers to a wider range of the filmgoing masses. Consistently lauded for my high level of writing quality, I strive to remain a growing and needed voice for indie filmmakers.
Please enjoy your journey through OneFilmFan.com and I hope it effectively illustrates what I have also found it necessary to be when offering opinions for the world’s consideration–FEARLESS.