**EXCLUSIVE** In Their Own Words….Lou Ferrigno, Jr. of “Urban Myths” Hello readers! Welcome (and, I honestly hope, welcome BACK!) to my ongoing and EXCLUSIVE coverage of the currently filming
**EXCLUSIVE** In Their Own Words….Kim Marie of “Urban Myths” Greetings readers! After a bit of a hiatus from posting any new material on this site, I am VERY pleased
In Their Own Words….Steve Tom of “Dumb & Dumber To” Happy Friday to you, readers! Well, how else do I say it….thanks AGAIN to the Social Media world of Twitter
In Their Own Words….Scott Takeda of “Gone Girl” Greetings readers and THANK YOU for your patience as yet another milestone comes to pass for my film industry adventures
In Their Own Words….Blake Rayne of “The Identical” There are times in life when you honestly know you have reached a MILESTONE moment. Efforts put forth, time spent, money