**FILM REVIEW** “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues”
GREAT CEASARS GHOST!!!! Could it be??? Has he REALLY, FINALLY, returned??? That incredible suit……the salon-quality hair……the ‘stache……the indomitable swagger that screams “Can I tell you something? I’m a pretty big deal.”……the unparalleled ability to read the news……all while surrounded by the world’s greatest news team……ready to take on all challengers and put them to shame……AND accomplishing it while performing killer tunes via Jazz Flute??? Yes, San Diego…..Yes, America…..Yes, WORLD……it IS true……Ron Burgundy has come back, and he is bringing the WHOLE supply of craziness and over-the-top, very UN-pc comedy you’d expect!
I find it hard to believe that our first introduction to Ron Burgundy (Will Farrell) and his wacky news team, comprised of weatherman Brick Tamland (the always hilarious Steve Carell), “WHAMMY!!” sportscaster/lothario Champ Kind (David Koechner) and “Mr. Sex Panther” himself Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd), occurred nine years ago when co-writer and director Adam McKay brought us the story of the rise of the greatest news anchor San Diego had ever seen…..even if it was in his own mind. With a superb blend of nutty sight gags and the onslaught of the comedy style that is uniquely Will Farrell, the ride we were taken on in learning about Ron Burgundy was pure comic entertainment that I know had me rolling constantly. And to the credit of Will and returning writer/director McKay, we are certainly treated to more of the same after waiting for a film that was, at first, never to be.
After becoming the King of Anchormen in the first outing (that also included ultimately wooing and marrying the initially VERY reluctant female anchor trying to take his spotlight in San Diego newsrooms, Veronica Corningstone (played wonderfully by Christina Applegate), “The Legend Continues” finds us watching Ron and Veronica having initial success as a husband/wife news anchor team in New York City, all while honing their parenting skills (I shutter to think about what we DON’T see of this poor kid’s home life!) with their son, Walter (newcomer Judah Nelson). However, after an unexpected circumstance leaves the couple on the outs, Ron ends up down and low using his honored skills in a less than fulfilling way (though much to OUR benefit for laughs). After realizing how far he’s fallen (and a convincing sales pitch by a producer, Freddy Shapp (portrayed by well known character actor Dylan Baker) who spins tales of a new 24-hour news channel), Ron picks himself up and heads out to re-connect with his former news team gents, all of whom have moved on to other endeavors (just think cats, restaurants, and death….GO see the film, I ain’t sayin’ no more!). As you would guess, he tracks down Brick, Champ, and Brian and here they come to work their insane magic. In their way, however, is the current top anchor on TV, the wonderfully egotistical Jack Lime (James Marsden), who has actually been hired to be the lead, primetime anchor for the new network. Battles of wits (and witlessness) ensue as the the two egos that are Burgundy and Lime collide along with all the special brands of antics of the rest of Ron’s crew also come out in full force. One twist this time is an actual love interest for oddball Brick, Chani Lastname (played SO HILARIOUSLY WELL by Kristen Wiig). Their encounters fuel a LOT of great laughs, as they were truly a match made in goofy, off-the-wall heaven. But we could not leave poor Ron out in the cold…so enters the new station boss, Linda Jackson (Meagan Good), who performs one of the more…..aggressive (and mildly disturbing)…..come-ons in history…but again, to great laughter for the viewer. Also, the dinner scene with Ron and her parents KILLS me! Talk about examples of what NOT to say when meeting the folks! So overall, the film was, for me, a consistent barrage of other silliness, Ron winning a bet with Lime that turns Lime’s life to crap, Jazz Flute on Ice, Ron’s rise, then fall, then rise again, a re-uniting of lovers, bonding with a son as ONLY Ron would do, deep themes about overcoming adversity (well…ok…maybe not THAT deep), and as always, a WORLD of cameo appearances (even if most are in one particular sequence, but still…GENIUS!!) that in certain ways trumps the first film’s awesome tribute to “Gangs of New York“.
This was definitely one of the few times where I would say that having to wait NINE YEARS for a sequel was actually worth it. Considering all the fuss it had to go through (see: article, article, article, and article) to FINALLY get the funding and green light from Paramount, it was VERY satisfying to see it all work out so well. I feel without question that fans of the first film will get just as much enjoyment out of “The Legend Continues” and may even leave the theater thinking (and perhaps….hoping?) what I did…….do I see “Anchorman 3” happening? I find myself saying a big “YES!!”.
As always, this is all my opinion and for YOUR consideration and comment should you feel like doing so. Until next time……in the words of our beloved Ron Burgundy……”stay classy” and have not just a good night…..have “an American night!”
I never saw Anchorman, so when Anchorman 2 came out, I dismissed it. But after reading your review, I’m thinking I may have to rent the original and then go see the sequel. Thanks for the review!
Hi, LauraLee!
Thank you for the comment! I am glad that my review at least prompted some interest in seeing a film that you might have otherwise skipped. It is why I make it a point to advise at the end of any post that it is all my opinion and for the READER’S consideration as to what to do with the information given. Thank you again and hope you get the same enjoyment from both films as I have!