Film Review “Pixels”
First, the Recap:
YES! The 80’s are back again! At least in the form of some of the most classic video games ever created! The only issue that might been seen with this, however? This time the game characters are real and they’re out to kill humanity! At least this is the premise for Columbia Pictures’ newest action comedy “Pixels”. Following the misunderstood message sent into space by Earth decades ago that included footage of said classic games, an alien race travels across the universal miles and arrives at our peaceful planet with intent to “pixelate” everything in existence. Unprepared in the modern age to understand the concepts and patterns of these ancient games, Earth seems doomed.
And so the U.S. government ultimately calls upon four of the 80’s era video game champions to assist. Having been given a look at each of their childhood backgrounds prior, the adult versions of Brenner (Adam Sandler), Cooper (Kevin James), Ludlow (Josh Gad), and Eddie (Peter Dinklage) come to the rescue. With the initially reluctant aid of military liaison Violet (Michelle Monaghan), the men teach the modern military ranks the strategies behind the games in hopes they will be able to fight each “competition” the aliens dish out, with each “win” or “loss” having Earth’s fate in the balance. When these tactics prove fruitless, it is up to the four heroes to put their antiquated gaming skills to good use, save the Earth, and win back the respect and worth they’ve so often felt without.
Next, my Mind:
Silly comedy films of this general ilk, especially in this current film era, are truly hit or miss. Fortunately, director Chris Columbus doesn’t take the material and try to concoct anything more for “Pixels” than what it should be, and is most likely expected–silly, goofy, off-the-wall delivery, zany jokes, and in this case, some serious throw-back cred to the decade it represents. It is visually lush thanks to modern CGI making the “veteran” games look and act like their small screen selves, which in itself is more the ultimate entertainment of this effort. “Centipede”, “Galaga”, “Donkey Kong”, “Pac-Man”, and others get pegged here, and the mother ship is a wonderful “wink, wink” to the apropos “Space Invaders”.
Sandler, James, Gad, and Dinklage all do their best to ham it up for this material, albeit no one should have gone into this expecting this film to be Shakespeare in the Park. Sandler’s “Geek Squad” computer fixer, Gad’s conspiracy theorist, Dinklage’s convict, and James’–wait–he’s President of the United States?? all fit well together in reliving the “glory days” of their youth and the gaming that dominated it. Monaghan also stands her ground well comedically, playing a recent divorcee who happens to be a military specialist. Fun supporting turns by superb actors like Brian Cox, Sean Bean, and Dan Aykroyd round out the insanity. So if you’re in need of escape, humor on the “Paul Blart” level (a more adult, though), and longing to see the adorable little guy from “Q-Bert” come to life, then “Pixels” is for you.
As always, this is all for your consideration and comment. Until next time, thank you for reading!