Honoring A Legend: Actor Danny Aiello’s Final Film, “One Moment”, Opens 11th Annual AoBFF 2021
Times of passage, adaptation, adjustment, alteration, transformation, and evolution. There can truly be no disputing the fact that all of these elements equal one grander notion–they represent the presence of transition. Unprecedented in its scope, the COVID-19 pandemic assuredly put everyone on notice in not so subtle terms–change is here and it’s here to stay. Bringing about an atmosphere both scary and surreal, we all had to accept that nothing would ever be the same, which included the harsh, devastating, and heartbreaking realization that was the loss of life we’ve seen occur in its ongoing wake. Yet, out of the ashes of this sense of seemingly endless foreboding, when we all were in desperate need of hope and even something to distract our troubled minds, the entertainment industry found ways to rise above the obstacles and offer us an escape. One of these much needed “siestas” from the chaos were existing film festivals and the emergence of our ability to “attend” them through online access and screenings of their film line-ups.
This brings us to one such event, the 11th Annual Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, which opens on Wednesday, June 2nd at 7pm with an exclamation point attached to it right from the start via a New York premier for “One Moment“, the new feature film from writer/director/producer Deirdre O’Connor and which stars the late, great acting legend Danny Aiello in his poignant final performance on screen, having passed away soon after production had wrapped. Centered on a group of middle-aged siblings attempting to discover balance within their own diverse lives while having to find means to care for their recently widowed father (played by Aiello), O’Connor sums it up most effectively by simply explaining in relation to the film’s narrative–“Welcome to the sandwich generation.” But, despite what could sounds like a decent into chaos, O’Connor very much emphasizes the humor and heartwarming nature of the tale, stating “it is a story of what so many of people are going through right now, squeezed between caring for their own lives and families as well as an aging parent.” Hence, the film “focuses on the joy and the laughter of the moments that we have left together,” says O’Connor.
Having a career that spanned 106 credits of the course of 46 years, there should be no doubts whatsoever that Aiello delivers the kind of genuine, impassioned, believable, intense, and undeniably charismatic performance we all came to expect from an actor who gave us the memorable roles found in efforts like “Defiance“, “Fort Apache the Bronx“, “Moonstruck“, “Do The Right Thing“, “Jacob’s Ladder“, “Leon, the Professional” and countless other projects that so deftly showcased his ability to dominate the screen, whether in only a few scenes or many. A consummate talent, Aiello’s presence in “One Moment”, like so many of his other efforts, doesn’t just serve as what sounds like a highly fitting, wholly heartfelt swan song, but also a tribute to his own roots, having been born in New York’s Upper West Side and raised in the South Bronx, making him, to say the least, a Brooklyn icon and a definitively apropos honoree (even if, sadly, posthumously) to bring this year’s AoBFF event to life.
Add to all of this, there will be a fantastic live-streamed Q&A session following the film’s premier Wednesday night that will feature O’Connor as well as members of the film’s cast. Additionally, this heralds an especially meaningful time for O’Connor’s direct ties to AoBFF, as her script for this film was actually a finalist in their 2018 screenplay competition, and the subsequent 3-year circle since now gets its completion via this screening. Festival Executive Director Joseph Shahadi also stated that “Each season we choose a different Guest Festival Director to keep our curation fresh and inclusive. LA-based filmmaker Christie Conochalla was chosen after an international search and she championed “One Moment” without knowing that AoBFF was an important part of its development history. We were all delighted that it came together and “One Moment” became the obvious choice to open the 2021 AoBFF.” For more than a few evident reasons, that sums it up quite nicely.
So, looking to get in on AoBFF 2021? What a better way to start that by purchasing tickets to what will be an incredible opening night (as well as the 54 other film offerings the Festival will present for consideration) through cutting-edge streaming partner Eventive Virtual Festival Platform. Here are specific links to check out:
AoBFF Opening Night Tickets: HERE
“FOLLOW” and/or “LIKE” the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival on: INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK TWITTER to keep up with news and events!
As a staunch supporter of the independent film industry and all the amazing, often-as-of-yet-to-be-discovered talent it represents, I greatly, no EMPHATICALLY, encourage you to take the time to check out as many films as you’re able to support the filmmakers and associated individuals that create this content and put on these Festivals. I have honestly longed for a day where indie cinema gets its just and much well-deserved time in the sun, and it’s event like AoBFF and others that give these projects a platform to rise up through.
This is all for your consideration and comment. Until next time, thank you for reading!
I am truly humbled and moved by your kind words and thoughts about my film – and extremely grateful. Thank you so very much.
Regards, Deirdre O’Connor