Indie Film Review “Angel”
First, the Recap:
On the outside looking in. An unenviable situation, usually, to find oneself residing within, as normally it implies a sense of rejection by those around us whom we would desire to associate with. Whether among friends or even our own family, the isolation such existence can cause us is debilitating, even humiliating, no matter how hard we try to “fit in”. But, is it not often the truth that those whom the world would put down as nothing can rise up to become the heroes we all need? For Alex Anderson (voiced by Jefford Humes), nerd-dom is his only reality as he attempts his best to be a part of a world around him that seems bent on beating him down rather than lifting him up. But, when a series of strange, otherworldly events begin to infiltrate his dreams, then his waking life as well, it opens a path to humble yet powerful greatness he never expected to experience, along with genuine value he never thought he’d possess.
Next, my Mind:
I mention time and time again that the indie film arena is truly made up of what I would honestly consider some of the most creative, outside-the-box thinkers in the movie realms, unafraid to trod new ground or at least express their ideas through familiar foundational mediums in ways that certainly end up standing out against the mainstream methodology. There is definitely no exception to that paradigm when it comes to this 72-minute animated feature effort from writer/director/producer/cinematographer/composer Jefford J. Humes, who likewise proves that wearing almost EVERY hat in the making of a film is NOT impossible to achieve, and must have very much been a labor of absolute dedication, heart, passion, and determination to make it all a reality, which in itself are other hallmark traits found within the independent cinema community, admirably so.
Utilizing the online gaming platform know as Roblox as it’s primary setting, the narrative takes us through the adventures in life of one young man and his quest for relevance and self-appreciation while also being exposed to concepts about the foundations of humanity through historical, scientific, philosophical, and ultimately faith-based realities thanks to a recurring encounter within his sleep, then subsequently when awake, with an angelic being who spurs him on with both self-affirming and challenging tasks that will not just change the course of Alex’s own road, but that of the world itself, battling against an ancient evil that threatens us. All of this is likewise wrapped within a more core tale that encompasses notions of common thematic explorations of love, acceptance, bullying, stereotyping, family, and seeking worth that ends up speaking volumes of positive, influential, applicable, much needed truths that find their principals in Godly faith.
It is quite refreshing to see an effort like this be able to immerse us as viewers into this particular world view, but do it in a way that isn’t condescending, overtly preachy, or unnecessarily forceful. Rather, it spreads its message of Biblically-infused truth in a manner that allows for it to have maximum impact in a totally relatable way to anyone who would watch and take in these deeper, purposeful meanings the film carries. Plus, as just hinted at above, there are so many significant morals to be found here that it simply makes the experience of watching the film enjoyable in itself. Plus, this video game actuality the story unfolds within will, or should, easily grab the attention of gamers and those familiar with the Roblox offerings, which mind you equals MILLIONS of people. So it makes this a completely smart move on the part of Humes to allow his venture into filmmaking employ this platform as its core.
Additionally, the sheer use of blatant humor along with the wealth of opportunities to have a good snicker at the computer-generated facial expressions and nuances of the characters presented within the scope of this world-creating gaming system really enhances the joy of taking this effort in, as there are moments where a character might be expressing one emotion on their face, though it may not necessarily be the EXACT emotion they’re desiring to convey. You have to watch the film to fully understand this point, frankly, but it does illustrate SOME disadvantages of this kind of mildly limiting element found in the options available for the Roblox “actors”. Still, I was very impressed as a whole at how accurately most emotional subtleties were able to be delivered through the characters, despite any of the constraints the Roblox platform might have in being used in this context.
Yet another point of laudable value here is the fact that along with everything else he already accomplished on the production side of this film, Humes ALSO supplied ALL the voices for ALL the characters we see and hear, which to this critic is no small feat in itself, regardless of how uncomplicated most of the dialogue was here. From the affable know-it-all nerd Alex on his quest for purpose, his doting Mom, hilariously eccentric Dad, adorable little sister Eliana, initially out-of-his-league girl of his dreams Laura, over-the-top dumb-as-rocks school bully Martin, prototypical Math and History teachers, and equally riotous swim coach, to the wonderfully encouraging librarian Mr. Bryant, enigmatic supernatural being Gabriel, or the vile evil that is Molech, Humes embodies them all with charm, vigor, and intent, infusing each with the appropriate amount of both entertaining, over-the-top bravado but also completely grounded, realistic manners that help speak the film’s messages with engaging fervency.
Then we add in the totally eclectic yet utterly perfect music score from Khary Laurent that accompanies our adventure and creates the apropos atmosphere throughout, and it’s a total package to be had for some family-friendly, unconditionally lively, meaningful fun. In total, therefore, “Angel” is a jaunt into a world that seems an amalgamation of “Second Life” and “Minecraft” for its base that then provides us a journey of essential truths that encompasses both faith and practical life lessons that this world could most assuredly stand to take notice of in this day and age. It’s this kind of easement and consolation we can all admit we need when realizing the value we all have to contribute, surprising ourselves, silencing the doubters, and acknowledging that serving something greater than us is more than a worthy challenge to accept and find freedom in.
As always, this is all for your consideration and comment. Until next time, thank you for reading!