Indie Film Review “Inhumanwich”
First, the Recap:
Pushing the limits. Since there’s no question whatsoever that the human race seems to love exploring ways to “do things better” or to “improve on nature” through science, it only opens up the inevitable inevitability that something IS going to go wrong. But, as usual, this doesn’t prevent the intrepid adventurers from just doing stupid things. Let’s take, for example, the Space Command team of Ed Farley (Matt Laumann), Dr. Chang (Michael J. Peake), Floyd (Jack Burrows), and Murray (Matt Spahr). With infinite ability and knowhow, they spearhead the capsule launch into the heavens of astronaut Joe Newman (Jacque Ransom). It’s mission–to orbit for 7 hours and come home. Safely. It’s a courageous undertaking, but Joe and the team are up to the task.
However, when disastrous, radioactive-based circumstances occur, in front of a horrified team and the Space Command’s guest POTUS (Joe Deane) mind you, Ed is ultimately forced to make the phone call to Joe’s wife Lisa (Kayla Clark) no one ever wants to take on. Little do they initially realize though that the capsule, having made it back to Earth, is now carrying something very–beefy–and far less than human. As the newly formed creature runs amok on men, women, children, dogs, and anything else it can find to feed on, it’s up to the team, the hardened decisions of General Graham (Jake Adam Robinson), and local–talent–Bert (Brad Nicholas) to take down the menace before it can become the most terrifying scourge the city–no, the state–no, the country–no, actually–the WORLD–has EVER seen!!
Next, my Mind:
Good Lord, deliver us from laughing ourselves to death and creating a shortage of populace on this beautiful planet we call home! With an epic amount of completely, utterly, ridiculously goofy and outright outrageous comedic delivery reminiscent of “Airplane” paired with intentionally cheesy Grade F, G, & H level imagery, writer/director/co-producer David Cornelius’ feature length effort just BEGS to see three familiar silhouettes sitting in the front row of an imagined move theater in space, throwing out scathing comments at the screen–and that’s the absolute beauty of this film!
A perfectly executed throwback to the classically bad sci-fi/horror films so often the target of MST3K, it’s time to sit back and just guffaw, groan, slap your forehead in disbelief, and have a good ole time taking in the purposeful campiness presented here. The black and white format only aids in emphasizing the genre this film is an ode to, the monster (and other) SFX are so painfully cheap that it’s a total riot, and the characters, for all their supposed “genius”, are such overt idiots, that again, you just cannot help but laugh, and laugh, and laugh at the sheer, brainless madness of it all.
This is assuredly a team effort acting-wise for this project, and everyone honestly plays their part to excellent, deliberate, calculated effect. From Laumann’s totally by the book Space Command leader Farley, Peake’s way too smart (and egotistic) for his own good lead scientist Chang, and Burrows and Spahr’s bumbling Command Center lackeys, to Ransom’s “brave” astronaut turned food-based critter Joe, Clark as Joe’s long-suffering yet overzealously determined wife Lisa, Robinson’s over-the-top Patton-esque Graham, and Nicholas’ world-saving “culinary expert” Bert, it’s the interactions throughout between this amazing ensemble cast that makes the viewing that much more hilarious and pleasurable.
Add supporting turns from Deane as a truly ignorant POTUS, Kathy Pfeiffer as the First Lady, Christopher Hahn as the absurdly loyal Corporal Mulligan, McKeea Gail Painter and Danny Kopnick as two love starved teens, Garry Hohnecker as a pervy old man–sheesh, how the heck many people were IN this thing!!?? Overall, “Inhumanwich” accomplishes exactly what it should in offering a total escape from anything remotely serious, allowing your brain to just shut off, and therefore just relax and enjoy puns, constant silliness, and a film that simply makes you smile! Now, where’s that can of Manwich I just had?
As always, this is all for your consideration and comment. Until next time, thank you for reading!