Short Film Review “Got A Girl”
First, the Recap:
To have the attention of those we love is paramount for living this human existence. We were made for connection, to have that desire for the appreciation of another who looks at us like no one else. This is especially evident in the relationships we become involved in and that fuel the simple need to feel wanted. For sweetly loyal Emma (Emma Fitch), this longing for the affections of her musician boyfriend Spencer (Bear Grider) is coming to a tipping point, as potential open doors for his band and the time spent pursuing it has begun to take a toll on their connection as a couple. Trying to illicit her support for his own agenda rather than empathize with her needs as well, Emma starts to become indifferent.
To make matters more complex, a surprising and unforeseen element enters Emma’s world in the form of old friend and bygone infatuation William (Dale Erwin), who’s recent return to town sparks past feelings. Still being virtually ignored by Spencer, Emma embarks on some innocent adventures with William. As the two spend more time together, it becomes apparent more is blooming between them. However, these circumstances are never easy when it comes to seeking the end of one bond in order to run after another, and soon both Emma and William find themselves at a critical crossroad and moment of decision that will forever change each of the lives, loves, and future paths involved.
Next, my Mind:
It is the pure beauty of simplicity, straightforwardness, and human experience that makes producer/director/co-writer/editor Isaac Blade’s 16-minute short film drama about the so often intertwined bonds between sticking with what hurts us or leaving it for truer roads, all involving love, so purposeful and filled with an earnest sincerity aimed to hit the “everyperson’s” heartstrings. A smoothly paced, intentionally uncomplicated narrative combined with the solidly filmed, real-world visual look and musically-fueled backdrop all converge to form a noteworthy modern romance that is relatable and engaging, even if the film’s overall themes have been seen before. Add to this a perfect cast that likewise encourages the down-to-earth mood and tone presented, it’s indie film the way it should be, at least in this reviewer’s humble opinion and own adventures in the genre.
Fitch is truly a fantastic choice here to play Emma, exuding such a fresh, vibrant, grounded, effervescent girl-next-door personality, winning smile, and true sense of vulnerability as well in her emotive performance as a young woman who’s only wanting to be noticed by the one she loves and has invested her heart in. The moments may be nuanced, but Fitch brings out so many emotional facets in both pronounced and subtle ways, it really makes the overall picture of who Emma is very defined and charming. Erwin honestly embodies the exact same attributes, but of course from the male perspective, in his performance as William, infusing him with an almost innate “nice guy” sensibility via a good heart, and deep, direct, genuine intentions towards Emma, especially having the initial knowledge of her current relationship status. The bond is wholehearted, and the two actors embrace it fully.
Grider has what some might consider the fortunate, or unfortunate, duty in playing the film’s primary antagonist, Spencer, but does so with a keen, subdued, bravado that only aids in making the character one you love to hate. Very much portraying Spencer as the self-obsessed man he is, the attitude and complete apathy he demonstrates towards Emma just begs for things to not go his way, yet one cannot help but think that it will possibly become one of those “don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” life lessons he’ll learn the hard way. In total, Blade and co-writer Johny Strang’s short film is a well-done piece of indie gold, in that it can make us look at our own relationships and decisions made about them and perhaps cause us to realize that sometimes, it might just be better to fully think through what we want and be willing to have patience to find it first, intently looking before we leap.
As always, this is all for your consideration and comment. Until next time, thank you for reading!