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Snapshot Review “Hacksaw Ridge”

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First, the Recap:

Charging into the face of battle. Few have the true courage to do this, even with the relative “safety” of the weapon in their hand. But what about doing the same without one? Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield) is a down home country boy, pleasant in demeanor, humble in heart and mindset. Childhood circumstances lead Doss to make a choice to stand up for his country and join the Army as a medic–and as a conscientious objector–refusing to even touch a firearm.

Despite those more than hesitant to allow him to even be in the military, including his fiancé Dorothy (Theresa Palmer), his father (Hugo Weaving), and officers Sgt. Howell (Vince Vaughn) and Capt. Glover (Sam Worthington), Doss receives permission to be deployed, sent to the hell of Okinawa’s Hacksaw Ridge, where his true fortitude and grit come through in miraculous ways.

Worth Seeing: YES

People–Mel Gibson is BACK!! Back with a truly amazing, blunt force, highly intense, and poignant directorial effort that fully reminds us of his talent that’s been missing from Hollywood for far too long. This epic, well-paced narrative takes the viewer through Doss’ life with detailed intent and potently paints the astounding canvas on which a tale of unassuming bravery and dogged determination is laid.

Garfield shines as Doss, portraying the character with total believability in all aspects, while a fantastic supporting cast of excellent character actors fills everything out with equally powerful presence. The battle sequences are brutal, the pathos is tangible, and the depth of impactful credibility carried in seeing a man of such true, absolute belief display the courage to stick with it no matter the odds against him is nothing short of inspiring.

As always, this is all for your consideration and comment.  Until next time, thank you for reading!


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